
Firenze to Seoul: My working holiday adventure in South Korea

By Ilaria Righi | 기사입력 2025/01/23 [16:05]

Firenze to Seoul: My working holiday adventure in South Korea

By Ilaria Righi | 입력 : 2025/01/23 [16:05]


Ilaria Righi is majoring in Cultural Mediation at the University for Foreigners of Siena in Italy, specializing in Korean studies and English translation. She is currently engaged in various projects in Florence (Firenze) related to communication and intercultural exchange, particularly promoting cultural exchange between Italy and Korea.


The Working Holiday Visa offers young people the opportunity to live and work in a foreign country for up to a year, combining cultural immersion with professional experience. For someone like me, with a deep passion for Korean culture and a background in Cultural Mediation and Translation studies, this visa is the perfect way to explore life in South Korea.


I’ve spent the past several years immersing myself in the language and culture of Korea, despite living in Italy. My academic journey began with a focus on Cultural Mediation, where I developed a strong interest in bridging the gap between different cultures. Korea has always been interesting for me thanks to my Korean-American friends and with its rich history and vibrant modern culture, quickly captured my attention. For the past three years, I’ve been studying the Korean language, though I still have much to learn.


My connection to Korean culture goes beyond the classroom. In Firenze, I spent a year working closely with Korean tourists, which deepened my understanding of their customs and interactions. I also volunteered for two years at the Korea Florence Film Festival, where I immersed myself in Korean cinema and engaged with a community of fellow enthusiasts. These experiences further fueled my desire to learn more about Korea and its people.


In 2022, I finally had the chance to visit South Korea as an exchange student. However, the COVID-19 pandemic limited my experience, and I left the country feeling that there was so much more to explore. Despite the challenges, that visit solidified my determination to return to Korea and truly immerse myself in the culture.


Back in Italy, I continued my involvement with Korean culture through my work at Nemo Academy in Firenze as a translator and cultural mediator. This role has allowed me to work closely with Korean artists from Busan and to contribute to projects that blend Italian and Korean cultures. However, these experiences also highlighted the gaps in my language skills, motivating me to take the next step: a gap year in Korea.


With my Working Holiday Visa, I plan to invest in intensive language courses and immerse myself in daily life in Korea. My goal is not only to improve my Korean but also to gain professional experience in fields related to cultural events, film, music, or working with Italian companies in Korea. I believe these opportunities will provide invaluable insights into Korean society and open doors for future collaborations.


Beyond language and work, I’m eager to explore South Korea’s diverse regions, especially those less frequented by tourists. I want to dive deep into the local culture, history, and traditions, experiencing the full spectrum of what Korea has to offer.


Ultimately, my dream is to build a career that bridges Italy and Korea, fostering cultural exchange and collaboration between the two countries. Whether through art, film, or creative projects, I believe that Italy and Korea have much to offer each other, and I’m determined to play a role in making that connection smoother and more vibrant.


Of course, I’m aware of the challenges ahead. Learning a new language in a foreign country is no small feat, and finding the right professional opportunities can be difficult. But I’m entering this journey with optimism and a readiness to embrace whatever comes my way.


As I prepare to depart for Seoul, I’m filled with excitement about the possibilities that lie ahead. This Working Holiday is more than just a year abroad—it’s a chance to deepen my connection to a culture I admire and to see where this path might lead, whether it’s a long-term stay in Korea or a richer understanding of the world.


#IlariaRighi #CulturalMediation #UniversityForForeignersOfSiena #KoreanStudies #KoreanCulture #WorkingHolidayVisa #CulturalExchange #Firenze #KoreanLanguage #KoreanCinema #KoreaFlorenceFilmFestival #KoreanArtists #LanguageSkills #CulturalCollaboration #일라리아리기 #문화중재 #시에나외국인대학교 #한국학 #영어번역 #한국문화 #워킹홀리데이비자 #문화교류 #피렌체 #한국어 #한국영화 #한국피렌체영화제 #한국예술가들 #언어능력 #문화협력

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