Special volunteer experience in Indonesia: Sharing knowledge
I joined a short-term overseas education volunteer group from Chungbuk National University called KOIN. We traveled to Yogyakarta, Indonesia from January 11th to February 7th, 2023. Our group, led by one instructor and consisting of 19 students, taught Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Korean language, and Korean culture to Indonesian students. With the assistance of two professors from Sanata Dharma University and 13 co-teachers, we successfully completed our volunteer work. This was our second overseas educational volunteer project, following our work in El Salvador in 2018. The experience was transformative, and I feel like I’ve grown as a person who prioritizes understanding and empathy for others.
Our preparation for the volunteer work was as demanding as the actual work itself. We created lesson plans, received feedback, and conducted class demonstrations. Additionally, we practiced K-dance routines weekly. As the departure date approached, the responsibility of being the leader weighed heavily on me. However, we arrived in Yogyakarta and conducted classes at SMA Stella Duce High School, an all-girls school. We also volunteered at SMA De Britto High School, a boys’ school, where the principal and students warmly embraced us. Our farewell ceremony left a lasting impression, fostering a sense of unity and gratitude among all participants.
During the volunteer work, we held daily evaluation meetings, shared our diary entries in a group chat, and developed strong bonds with our co-teachers. Their support was invaluable. They took care of our lunches and acted as guides. We also appreciated the assistance from the university authorities. They allowed us to use their bus for transportation. The Indonesian cuisine, such as saté and goreng dishes, was enjoyable, and the local fruit, mangosteen, was a delightful treat. While there were some inconveniences.
This experience taught me that volunteering is not only about helping others but also about sharing and connecting with one another. It requires a healthy body, a positive mindset, and a genuine appreciation for people and their stories. I am grateful for the opportunity to exercise my volunteer instinct and extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this volunteer project. Terima kasih, Indonesia!
<저작권자 ⓒ 먼데이타임스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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