The Value of Kindness: Lessons Beyond the ClassroomHwang Kyong-ho, CEO of ConnectEdu, was raised in Chuncheon and graduated from Gangwon National University. He embarked on his career teaching at various middle and high schools. His academic journey continued at Victoria University of Wellington, where he earned a Diploma in TESL and an MA in Applied Linguistics. Currently, he is dedicated to narrowing the educational divide between urban and rural areas in English language learning through a digital platform enhanced by AI technology.
My son attends high school in Auckland, sometimes called “college” in New Zealand. He loves playing in the school orchestra and soccer with his friends. One day, after having fun playing badminton, he accidentally forgot to take his bag with him and left it in the classroom. When he returned to get it, he found that the school was locked up, leaving him without his wallet and bus pass, which he needed to get home. Feeling panicked in front of the locked doors, he realized he had to ask someone for help. So, he bravely asked the principal if he could borrow 5 dollars to get home safely. The principal kindly gave him 10 dollars instead, helping him out and making a lasting impression on him with this act of kindness.
When my son told me this story, I asked him, “Did you return the money to the principal?” My son told me that he returned the money to him, saying, "Thank you, Sir. I could go back home safe, thanks to you." The principal replied, "Thank you for giving me the chance to help you."
The principal turned a simple act of helping into a meaningful moment of connection between them and a great lesson for my son. I found out later that the motto of his school was “To love and to serve.”
I was especially moved by the principal's kindness and thoughtful words to my son, "Thank you for giving me the chance to help you." This is not an expression commonly heard in our schools, prompting me to reflect on the essence of education. While we focus on preparing students for exams and careers, we often overlook something crucial for cultivating their personal growth and ability to coexist peacefully in society.
Education transcends achieving high grades, securing spots in prestigious universities, or obtaining highly paid jobs. Numerous institutions globally, including Korea, take pride in having "Veritas: Truth" in their motto as a foundational principle. However, this truth should extend beyond academic accomplishments and competitive endeavors; it must deeply embed itself in pursuing justice, fostering kindness, love, service, and harmony among individuals. It should involve what benefits all humans regardless of race, social status, or wealth.
In Korea, a country that often celebrates individual achievements, sometimes at the expense of the community, it is crucial for adults to set a positive example. Building a harmonious society is challenging when recognition is reserved for a few, leaving the majority overlooked. This raises a critical question: Do we aim to cultivate a society where all the credit goes to a few who get good test scores while a much larger part of the society is supported by other people, or do we strive to create a community where mutual respect and coexistence are universally accessible? The responsibility lies with parents and educators. (This article is too long and this part marked in red may be cut off.) We must think about the values we are imparting to our children. Are we driving them towards a blind pursuit of success, or are we nurturing them to recognize that we learn to contribute to the well-being of the people around us and to our own well-being?(This part marked in red can also be cut off.)
A healthy society grows when more individuals are respected and want to participate in its development. The first step towards building a healthy society would be ensuring that everyone is respected and treated with dignity and fairness. A small act of kindness towards young people by adults sets a good example, showing the behavior we want young minds to learn. <저작권자 ⓒ 먼데이타임스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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